AMC8 classes at TSA

The Taiwanese School of Atlanta will be opening AMC 8 math class at the recommendation of University of Wyoming emeritus professor Dr. Shi (施水地) and our former principal Dr. Chang. We will have two AMC8 classes at this semester, and taught by Ms.YiShan Yang.


AMC stands for American Mathematics Contest, one of the math competitions of the MAA (Mathematics Association of America). 


MAA holds these competitions (AMC 8, AMC 10, AMC 12, AIME) in hopes to stimulate students’ thinking skills and their ability to apply learned concepts to more difficult and complex problems. MAA seeks to cultivate students’ cognitive abilities by challenging them to analyze and solve complicated problems step by step. Finally, MAA encourages students to apply this problem-solving skill to their daily lives.


AMC 8 materials are equivalent to that of 7th and 8th grade math, which includes integer, decimal, fraction, percentage, ratio, Number Theory, every day Geometry, area, volume, probability, statistics, logical reasoning, and more. AMC 8 exam is held every November for students under 8th grade. All public schools are obligated to provide this exam. The exam is 25 multiple choice questions with a 40 minutes time limit.


MAA Researchers select the students through AMC8,AMC 10 and AMC 12. AIME (Invited students with excellent AMC 10 and AMC12 grades),MAA will enter these students into the USAMO (U.S.A Math Mathematical Olympiad) where the elites will be invited to attend the MOSP (Mathematical Olympiad Summer Program) camp. Finally, 6 students will be selected to represent their country in the IMO (International Mathematical Olympiad).


Competing in Mathematical contests can become beneficial in the college application process. According to many admission websites, colleges such as MIT, Stanford, and Brown listed contest results as important admission factors.