On the afternoon of December 5th, 2009, Taiwanese School of Atlanta held a final exam for all of its students. The way this exam was administered was in the form of a Chinese computer input competition. With the exception of the students of two basic Phonetic symbols class and one student from the daily speaking class, all students must compete. It was a heated competition, and the students with the highest scores will be rewarded next week on the annual school ending ceremony. 打字比賽分為兩階段進行。第一階段是打地鼠遊戲,當地鼠冒出地時,身上都有注音符號,學生要按對注音符號鍵盤,才可得分。這個遊戲可設定不同的速度,和不同的難易程度,所以不論任何班級都有符合其程度的遊戲。第二階段是打生字比賽。學校將各班這學期所學所有生字,不按順序打在紙上當考卷,學生在一定時間內,打出多少個生字在電腦上,即是其成績。
因為比賽進行得很緊張,就有各種狀況出現。例如有的學生因鍵盤與平時練習用的不同,就不知如何輸入。最緊張的人其實不是學生本身,而是在旁觀看的老師、家長,真恨不得下去替學生打。AP班的大哥哥、大姊姊們,也會偷偷給找不到字的小朋友提示。有一位阿公說這樣有壓力的比賽也好,學生回家才會認真學習。 Taiwanese School of On the afternoon of |